Date: May 12-13, 2016
Organization: Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science
Topic: This is the start-up workshop of the FWO-sponsored scientific research network on Logical and Methododological Analysis of Scientific Reasoning Processes. Representatives of the participating centres will present their main research lines. The participaing centres are located at the following universities: Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, Free University of Brussels, Ghent University, Ruhr-University Bochum, Tilburg University, University College London, University of Antwerp, Utrecht University and VU University Amsterdam.
- Andrzej Wisniewski, Dorota Leszczyńska and Paweł Łupkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan)
- Steffen Ducheyne and Jean Paul Van Bendegem (Free University of Brussels)
- Phyllis Illari (University College London)
- Erik Weber and Frederik Van de Putte (Ghent University)
- Naftali Weinberger, Jan Sprenger and Michal Sikorski (Tilburg University)
- Erik Myin, Jan Potters and Raoul Gervais (University of Antwerp)
- Christian Straβer (Ruhr-University Bochum )
- Huib Looren de Jong (VU University Amsterdam)
Venue: Oude Infirmerie, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Ghent, Belgium