Date: 4-6 November 2019
Organization: the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science (Ghent University) and the Department of Science and Technology Studies (University College London)
Workshop chairs: Phyllis Illari (London), Erman Sozudogru (London) & Erik Weber (Ghent).
Local organising team: Thijs De Coninck, Stef Frijters, Kristian Gonzalez Barman, Karina Makhnev, Erik Weber & Dietlinde Wouters.
Evidence is core to practices across the sciences, and it can be studied by philosophers from at least three perspectives: formal (philosophical logic, probability theory), methodological (philosophy of science, epistemology) and historical (integrated history & philosophy of science). We aim at a workshop sharing contributions from all these perspectives.
Examples of topics of interest therefore include:
- How evidence is treated in different areas of scientific research
- The treatment of evidence through time
- Modelling evidence and evidence for models
- How to make the best of poor evidence
- Formal challenges for evidence
- Treatment of evidence by significant scientists and philosophers, historical and contemporary
- Reasoning about inconsistent evidence
- Integrated reasoning about diverse kinds of evidence
- Evidence about the past
- Value-ladenness and evidence
Keynote speakers
François Claveau (Université de Sherbrooke)
Federica Russo (University of Amsterdam)
Jutta Schickore (Indiana University Bloomington)
Abstract submission
We welcome submissions on any topic that fits into the scope as described above. Send your abstract of 300 to 500 words to: before 15 September 2019. Notification of acceptance: 23 September 2019.
Day 1 (Monday 4 November)
13:30-14:00 Registration
14:00-15:10 Federica Russo (University of Amsterdam), An informational approach to evidence
15:10-15:45: Coffee Break
15:45-16:30 Phyllis Illari (University College London), Why do we need evidence of mechanisms?
16:30-17:15 Jaakko Kuorikoski (Tampere University), Mechanistic evidence and a new argument from inductive risk
17:15-18:00 Saul Perez Gonzalez & Valeriano Iranzo (Universitat de València), Is evidence of mechanisms indispensable for extrapolation?
19:00 Workshop dinner at Salons Carlos Quinto
Day 2 (Tuesday 5 November)
09:30-10:40 François Claveau (Université de Sherbrooke), The Epistemic Risks of Diversifying Evidence: A Bayesian Perspective
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 Luis Mireles-Flores (University of Helsinki), What ‘policy’ in evidence-based policy?
11:45-12:30 Maria Jimenez Buedo (UNED Madrid), Background knowledge and experimental evidence in the social sciences
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:15 Bert Leuridan & Sydney Green (University of Antwerp), How much is enough? On the role of the Principle of Total Evidence in evidence amalgamation
in practice
14:15-15:00 Elena Rocca & Frederik Andersen (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Scientific evidence evaluation and experts’ disagreement: how to make it
15:00-15:45 Mauricio Suarez (Complutense University of Madrid), The contextual character of causal evidence
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:00 Brice Bantegnie (Charles University), “Constraint”, constraints, and evidence in the philosophy of cognitive science
17:00-17:45 Yin Chung Au (National Cheng Kung University), Evidence in biological basic research: what they are and how they become representations
Day 3 (Wednesday 6 November)
09:30-10:40 Jutta Schickore (Indiana University Bloomington), Peculiar blue spots: causes, circumstances, and evidence around 1800
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 Femke Truijens (Ghent University)
Validity of data as precondition for evidence. A practical analysis of what is taken to count as evidence in psychotherapy research
11:45-12:30 Steven Tresker (University of Antwerp), The Russo–Williamson Thesis and medical treatment
12:30-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:15 Maarten Kleinhans (Utrecht University), What on earth are we doing… 500 million years of evidence for causes of river meandering and still the
puzzle is incomplete?
14:15-15:00 Maarten Van Dyck (Ghent University), The temporal constitution of evidence
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:15 Louis-Etienne Villeneuve (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), How to put the right thing in the right box? Evidences about the past
16:15-17:00 Christian Hennig (University of Bologna), Can and should statistical model assumptions be tested?
17:15 Drinks
Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature (KANTL), Koningstraat 18, Ghent, Belgium.
Book of abstracts